Tuesday 18 May 2010

Drink tea and lose weight

There is no doubt that tea is healthy and good for you especially when drank without milk and sugar, but just how effective is tea at helping you lose weight?
With Green tea, it has just as many health benefits as you would find in Black tea except it works in a much more effective way as the tea is purer. Tea is thought to halve your chances of suffering from cardiac problems as well as helping to fight dental cavities and plaque.

Drinking tea also effectively burns more calories than just taking caffeine as a tablet as your body has to cool down the hot drink after it is consumed which burns more energy (therefore more calories than tea itself contains) You can potentially lose weight in this way if you drink enough tea on a regular basis. It is low in fat but very nutritional. It helps strengthen the heart, aids digestion, is a very refreshing drink and works as a pick me up when recovering from fatigue. Tea can also help prevent Hyperlipidemia (excessive amounts of fat and fatty substances in the blood) and control the ratio of cholesterol and phospholipids (a group of fatty compounds found in living cells)

Tea contains Theophylline, tea Polyphenols, amino acids, vitamins and minerals as well as trace elements including iron, potassium and sodium. Theophylline stimulates the metabolism and has a mild diuretic effect. You can feel very full and satisfied drinking tea which reduces the want to binge on food which will result in weight loss.
There are many different varieties of tea used and enjoyed for different reasons but when it comes to a weight loss supplement there are several teas that are highly acknowledged for their weight loss benefits.

The most common tea that people associate with weight loss is Green tea. Green tea turns the metabolism up a notch, suppresses appetite and helps to stabilise blood sugar. This means you will consume fewer calories than usual but will be burning off extra calories simultaneously which is guaranteed to help you shift any extra weight. It is recommended for maximum results that you consume 5 cups of Green tea a day.

One of the most appreciated weight loss teas in China is Oolong. It works along the same vein as Green tea but with its higher caffeine content it stimulates the body�s metabolism even more. Oolong tea helps to improve digestion particularly of fat. Like other Green teas, 5 cups daily are recommended to reap the benefits of Oolong.

Two other blends of tea commonly used for weight loss are herbal and Puerh tea. It is reported than drinking Puerh tea lowers cholesterol levels. Puerh tea is a variation of black tea that is an acquired taste because of its strong distinctive flavour.

In conclusion, tea is a very useful (and tasty) addition to a weight loss program. Combined with the right diet and a little exercise, tea can help you to achieve a healthy weight alongside a healthy body.
Click here to learn how drinking tea can reduce your weight.

The Grapefruit Diet

The Grapefruit Diet is one of the fad diets that were really popular back in the 1980s although it has been in one form or another since 1930. Most of the time, the grapefruit diet has been discounted by experts as dangerously unbalanced or simply unable to deliver on its promises. It was generally thought that consuming vast quantities of grapefruit cannot influence weight loss in any way, which relegated this diet to the status of yet another fad, one of those things people go crazy about without any real reason. However, time has passed and new discoveries are about to rock the traditional view.

The basic idea behind this diet is to eat grapefruit whenever you can, drink a glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice with every meal, add grapefruit to cocktails and also to salads. Grapefruit is supposed to go well with the lean meat from crab and chicken and with vegetables, such as red onions, spinach and celery. The biggest advantage is, of course, the fact that grapefruit is virtually fat-free and has few calories. An entire grapefruit has about 70 calories, which means that you can eat about as much as you can stomach and still lose weight.

The best thing about the Grapefruit Diet is a recent study carried out by a team of scientists led by Doctor Ken Fujioka, from the Nutrition and Metabolic Research Center of the Scripps Clinic in San Diego. The study has found that, contrary to the opinions voiced by experts in the 1980s, adding grapefruit and grapefruit juice to your diet can actually help you lose weight. And what’s really great about it: you don’t have to change your eating habits at all. Naturally, eating less fat and sweets and doing some exercises is a very good way of speeding up the weight loss process, but you don’t have to go out of your way with this diet.

According to the study, eating half a grapefruit before each meal and exercising a bit every day helped a group of obese people drop an average 3.6 pounds in 12 weeks without any change in their eating habits whatsoever. A second group had to drink a glass of grapefruit juice before every meal and lost 3.3 pounds in the same 12 weeks. While it’s true that losing 1 pound per month gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “slow diet”, you have to appreciate a diet that lets you eat whatever you like and still shed a pound per month. If weight loss is not a stringent affair, then you can stick to this diet for a long time and reap the benefits.
For more information on Grapefruit Diet Click here

Red Pepper for Weight Loss

Red pepper is a very popular way to add that extra kick of flavour and colour to your favourite dishes, but it is also a highly efficient way to encourage weight loss.
Red pepper (Capsicum and sometimes known as Cayenne) has enormous fat burning potential. It is used more traditionally in herbal medicine as an aid for circulation and digestion. It naturally supports the production of gastric juices- this is vital for a healthy and fully functioning metabolism. Pepper also provides immunity against colds and flu because of its many vitamins including Vitamin C and nutrients. It also contains a source of Vitamin A with its concentration of carotenoids, antioxidants and flavonoids including beta-carotene. The Capsaicin in red pepper, the component that gives the pepper its heat possesses great cardiovascular benefits, an ability to reduce pain by helping to deplete nerve endings meaning less sensitivity and it effectively opens and drains congested nasal passages, which is why when we have a cold people often suggest a hot curry.

In regards to weight loss, it gives your metabolism a turbo charge by creating more heat within the body. After you eat very spicy, hot foods, your body temperature rises in a process known as ?diet induced thermogenesis.? As your body heat increases so will your metabolism so more calories are burned off.

Studies have proven what a significant effect red pepper can have on the metabolic rate. During an experiment, 10gm of red pepper was then added to high fat and high carbohydrate meals and the spice of the pepper boosts thermogenesis which helps to burn, or oxidise the fat contained in the meal. Another study concluded that if 6 to 10 gm of red pepper was added to meals it will help to suppress hunger; this was tested on a group of men and women which showed that it did indeed suppress appetite.

The dosage in the studies were more than what most would consume but you do not necessarily have to consume that much to achieve the same results. Additional studies showed that a small 3gm of red chilli sauce and mustard sauce added to food increased the metabolic rate by up to 25%.

Red pepper is quite frequently used as an ingredient in a wide variety of weight loss supplements and works in harmony with other natural fat burners according to research. Red pepper has a very long history as a spice, it is widely available and cost effective too plus with its wide array of health benefits it is well worth being a bit brave and adding a bit of spice to your life and lose weight and enjoy the benefits that Red pepper has to offer.To found more on how Red pepper can reduce your weight click here 

Stop Dieting.......Start Eating .... Start Living !!!

Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind this program. Isabel De Los Rios is a nutrition and exercise specialist with 10 years of experience helping clients reach their ideal weight and tackle conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Isabel has a very extensive educational background in nutrition and exercise physiology.

Her personal experience with her own weight struggles and her mother’s severe diabetes led her search for the BEST nutrition information available today. The Diet Solution Program is a result of her 15 year study and researchPlus, Isabel has been a nutrition and exercise specialist for the past 10 years and has personally worked with hundreds of clients in her own private facility, overseeing successful weight loss programs.

This hands on experience with real people solidified the facts and principles she had learned in books, journals and from other health professionals. The proof was really in the results of real people, Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, "What is The Diet Solution Program?" Well according to Isabel, it is the most comprehensive and detailed nutrition manual available on the market today.

Not only does it teach you exactly what principles you need to follow to finally reach your ideal weight, it gives you the meal plans, shopping lists and recipes to do so. It does not push some extreme, unreasonable way to lose weight. It actually teaches you how you can make this healthy way of eating into a lifestyle. And if you have ever attempted to lose weight in the past, you know that the only way to maintain it is to make it a way of life.

The best part about Isabel’s program is that this new way of life is not some torturous eating regimen. She really shows you that you can eat delicious food, combined the right way, to lose weight and maintain it. Now realize that some effort from you will be required, but Isabel has really done all the hard work for you. Included in her program is:

Step by step action steps telling you exactly how to put the principles in place

Detailed daily meal plans that make everyday eating easy

Shopping Lists to make food shopping a snap

Delicious Recipes to make everyday meals tasty

The manual is comprehensive. Jam packed with incredible and valuable information. But you don’t need to wait to get through the whole thing before you can start. You can use Isabel’s Quick Start Guide to start the program ASAP. Some people have even just used the quick start guide and lost 10-15lbs in a little as 6 weeks.

To Learn More of DSP Click here