Wednesday 23 June 2010

Can HoodiaPatch Help Me Lose Weight.

The HoodiaPatch is a 100% natural clinically proven weight loss patch, the newest in diet patches but is by far the most effectual patch at shedding those unwanted pounds. Each patch contains 40mg of pure Hoodia Gordonii; you will find this in no other weight loss patch. And that is literally all that is included in the patch, just a pure natural substance; nothing added or taken away � what you see is what you get.

The Hoodia Gordonii plant native to the Kalahari Desert successfully curbs and suppresses appetite cravings and has done for thousands of years. Originally used on long hunting trips where local tribes would need to go for extended periods of time without food or water, it has since created a lot of interest in the slimming market and extensive research and studies have been carried out on the Hoodia to verify whether it really can halt appetite and help consumers lose weight.

One test revealed that the active ingredient found in Hoodia Gordonii; P-57 sends a message to the brain that it is full or has just eaten, making the body believe it has sufficient glucose levels so that the user does not feel the urge to eat. One study carried out by the BBC went on to reveal that Hoodia caused people to eat as much as 50% less than when they were not taking any kind of Hoodia containing supplement. This was a very important discovery and major pharmaceutical companies then hailed Hoodia as the anti-obesity drug and it has since been used since the 2000�s as a necessary component in various weight loss supplements and now it is utilised in a patch.

The HoodiaPatch works almost immediately after applying the patch, by cleverly bypassing the digestive system the nutrients are absorbed through the skin (transdermally) directly into the bloodstream delivering a powerful dose of Hoodia where it is needed the most. There is no added ingredient/s just Hoodia Gordonii extract, in its untampered, natural form. The distinct benefits by using the HoodiaPatch as opposed to other methods is that it pretty much gets to work straight away, no need to wait days or weeks for the patch to get into your system. Applying one patch a day is the simplest and most discreet way of weight loss, also a much more preferred and enjoyable method than trying to remember to take a numerous amount of pills everyday. You will consume far less calories due to the amazing appetite suppression qualities, there is no need to alter your diet, or embark on an exercise program. Weight loss with the HoodiaPatch is guaranteed and the majority of people lose 1-2lbs a week.

With the full 180 money back guarantee that the manufacturers offer alongside the findings and the excellent testimonials from customers all over the moon about their weight loss, there is no shadow of a doubt that you will lose weight with HoodiaPatch � try it for yourself today.

Stop Dieting.......Start Eating .... Start Living !!!

Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind this program. Isabel De Los Rios is a nutrition and exercise specialist with 10 years of experience helping clients reach their ideal weight and tackle conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Isabel has a very extensive educational background in nutrition and exercise physiology.

Her personal experience with her own weight struggles and her mother’s severe diabetes led her search for the BEST nutrition information available today. The Diet Solution Program is a result of her 15 year study and researchPlus, Isabel has been a nutrition and exercise specialist for the past 10 years and has personally worked with hundreds of clients in her own private facility, overseeing successful weight loss programs.

This hands on experience with real people solidified the facts and principles she had learned in books, journals and from other health professionals. The proof was really in the results of real people, Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, "What is The Diet Solution Program?" Well according to Isabel, it is the most comprehensive and detailed nutrition manual available on the market today.

Not only does it teach you exactly what principles you need to follow to finally reach your ideal weight, it gives you the meal plans, shopping lists and recipes to do so. It does not push some extreme, unreasonable way to lose weight. It actually teaches you how you can make this healthy way of eating into a lifestyle. And if you have ever attempted to lose weight in the past, you know that the only way to maintain it is to make it a way of life.

The best part about Isabel’s program is that this new way of life is not some torturous eating regimen. She really shows you that you can eat delicious food, combined the right way, to lose weight and maintain it. Now realize that some effort from you will be required, but Isabel has really done all the hard work for you. Included in her program is:

Step by step action steps telling you exactly how to put the principles in place

Detailed daily meal plans that make everyday eating easy

Shopping Lists to make food shopping a snap

Delicious Recipes to make everyday meals tasty

The manual is comprehensive. Jam packed with incredible and valuable information. But you don’t need to wait to get through the whole thing before you can start. You can use Isabel’s Quick Start Guide to start the program ASAP. Some people have even just used the quick start guide and lost 10-15lbs in a little as 6 weeks.

To Learn More of DSP Click here